Global Gorkha Samaj
Global Gorkha Samaj
Oct 15, 2023

The Global Gorkha Committee, while not widely known in mainstream international affairs, is a grassroots organization that plays a significant role in advocating for the rights and recognition of the Gorkha community worldwide. This committee is primarily composed of individuals of Gorkha ethnicity, who are of Nepali or Indian origin and have a distinct cultural identity. Gorkhas have a rich history of serving in various armed forces, including the British Gurkha Brigade and the Indian Army which has earned them a reputation for bravery and loyalty.


One of the key objectives of the Global Gorkha Committee is to address issues related to the Gorkha diaspora, including concerns about citizenship, cultural preservation, and social inclusion. This organization often engages in advocacy efforts to ensure that Gorkhas receive the recognition and rights they deserve in the countries they reside in. Additionally, they work towards fostering a sense of unity and pride among Gorkhas, celebrating their cultural heritage through festivals, events, and educational initiatives. While the Global Gorkha Committee may not be as well-known as some other global organizations, its dedication to advancing the interests of the Gorkha community is vital in promoting cultural diversity and human rights on a global scale.


In recent years, the Global Gorkha Committee has also expanded its efforts to address issues such as immigration challenges and discrimination faced by Gorkhas in different parts of the world. By collaborating with international organizations, governments, and community leaders, they strive to create a more inclusive and equitable environment for Gorkha people and their descendants. While the committee's influence may vary from region to region, its commitment to preserving Gorkha culture and ensuring the well-being of its members is a testament to the resilience and determination of the Gorkha community worldwide.